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“Reach for the Stars is, at the least, worth multiple listens, and is deservedly at best, on the forever playlist. It should be on every folk deejay’s playlist in 2017!”

Victoria Parks
Folk DJ, WGRM, Columbus, OH

The cover image: Object NGC 2174, Monkey Head Nebula, Sharpless Sh2-252
Original Image by NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)


(Click album cover for Lyrics & Sound Clips)


Elaine Mahon’s Winter 2020 Newsletter

Elaine Mahon’s Winter 2020 Newsletter

Happy New Year! Please check out the upcoming shows below.  We'd love to see you there! UPCOMING SHOWS SCHEDULE AT A GLANCE The Corner Bar (Next to Gypsy Cab Company on Anastasia Blvd), St. Augustine, FL WITH BOB PATTERSON, DAVID WATT BESLEY, SHARON GOLDMAN &...

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Elaine Mahon’s Fall 2019 Newsletter

Elaine Mahon’s Fall 2019 Newsletter

Hallelujah it is Fall! Bring on those cooler temperatures, I'm ready. My family welcomed in the Fall with my Mom's 95th birthday party. What a landmark, and she is one amazing woman! We are very lucky to have her in our lives. The quintessential nurse, Mom trained at...

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Elaine Mahon’s Summer 2019 Newsletter

Elaine Mahon’s Summer 2019 Newsletter

Here we are again, and here in Florida it is summertime in the tropics!  The much needed rain has turned the crunchy browns into verdant greens and life abounds.  Before I get going on the newsy portion of this letter, I want to bring to your attention our next show...

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photo by Isabelle Bermudez


Elaine Mahon’s songs, as her new album is titled, may “Reach for the Stars” but they are also deeply rooted in the natural world we all live in. Elaine’s sensibilities as a songwriter developed from a childhood spent roaming the woods and the beaches of North Florida. But it was her work in extragalactic astronomy, which earned Mahon a Ph.D., that broadened her perspective and strengthened her appreciation for nature. Elaine left her career in order to remain near family, and to begin to explore her creativity through music. A masterful storyteller and tunesmith, Mahon has made her mark. Elaine forms an immediate and intimate emotional connection with her audience by drawing them into lyrical songscapes that shimmer with imagery gleaned from the natural world. Victoria Parks of WGRN in Columbus, Ohio sums it up by saying, “Elaine writes honest folk songs with an uncommon, simple beauty.”




If you would like to feature Elaine Mahon in an article online or in print, please call or send an email to Kari Estrin Mgt/Consulting kari@kariestrin.com



If you would like to see if I can play your event or venue, please contact me directly by phone or email elaine@elainemahonmusic.com